Thursday, March 28, 2013

Bravery And Consequence

There's been a lot of patting on the back lately, and telling me how brave I am. 

And usually, I shrug my shoulders and bask in the glow of approval.

Lately, however, I feel more like a coward.  I hunker down in the exam room and shield my psyche from the initial reaction.  Brows furrow and words come out faster than mouths can speak.

You're leaving the practice?

Wrinkles become smooth as I explain the new paradigm.  What's there not to like: less patients, home visits, more proactive care.  Once again my nerves unwind, yet I know the moment has come.  The tone changes as we get to the yearly fee.  While it doesn't phase some, I can see the gulf form in others.  Eyes turn dead and dart towards the ceiling, expressions become frustrated or just plain angry.  They know they're being left.

I didn't have to do it this way.  I didn't have to start this early.  I could have just kept my mouth shut and waited to send a letter.  But that wouldn't be me.

I will stand before each and every patient.  I will tell them face to face.  I will accept their reactions whether joy or disgust, because I owe it to them.

I made this decision willingly,

I won't cower from the consequences.


  1. Good test to see what you and your care are truly worth to people. You are pursuing something I wish I had the guts to do., as the machine is already wearing me down at the age of 37.

  2. Good for you for talking face to face instead of a cowardly letter like I got. I really felt like I wasn't valued enough as a patient to be informed in person and have the opportunity to at least ask for a referral, and to say goodbye. To me, it was disrespectful.

  3. Don't be timid. You are starting a business! And you have an excellent product to offer. Be truthful and tell them why you are going out on your own - straight up.

    Be sure you don't come off like you will only be seeing the wealthy - this is the North Shore, after all, and your practice is in the heart of it. This assumption will be made and you will need to put those fires out ASAP, or, you won't have any of the patients you love, but have all the patients you don't - if you are understanding me :)


  4. I respect your decision to change your practice mode.

    However, you are perhaps dealing with a population that needs more consistent care and so it will be a boon to them.

    What about the once a year aging visitor that can manage care with some consultation. Your additional fee for a once a year or perhaps twice a year consultation means that I may not join your practice.

    What to do?

  5. What will happen to people that don't need that ongoing care?

    I am a once a year senior citizen that can manage my own care, usually. So, if I consult twice a year, I am on my own.

    Hypothetically if I were to keep you for my doc, I would be paying a lot of money for no services.

    What alternatives are you proposing for aging people like myself. I have been cut out of three concierge medicine practices because of this issue. I don't need you (at the moment) and I think that paying a monthly fee or an upfront fee perhaps is a waste of money.

    I would really like your input on this issue.

  6. You are an inspiration. Bless you for your courage in being true to yourself and the respect you have for your patients.

  7. You are an inspiration. Bless you for your courage in being true to yourself, and for the respect you have for your patients.
